Administrative Duty :  

Deputy Dean (Academic & Student Development) at the School of Arts Universiti Sains Malaysia (since 1 January 2009 to the present)



Stratetegic Academic Planning for the School of Arts

University Academic Planning Committee

University Board of Examiners

Liason with Malaysian Quality Agency (national accreditation agency)

Presenting and defending academic proposals at the University Academic Planning Committee

Presenting and defending academic proposals at the Ministry of Higher Education

Head of the faculty’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Committee

Marketing: Lectures on the prospects of majoring in the arts  to schools, colleges and cultural organizations across Malaysia

Developing student activities (field trips, exhibitions/seminars)

Developing short-courses for final year undergraduates to increase their marketability

Overseeing the Industrial Training (work-study) programs

International Exchange Program for Staffs and Students (currently working with Seoul National University of Technology, University of Sarajevo, Prince of Songkla University and Bandung Institute of Technology)


Current Administrative Projects:  

Upgrading ALL programs at the USM School of the Arts

Developing programs to be offered at the international education hub KLEC (Kuala Lumpur Education City)

Project Chair, 2010 Faculty Show (travelling exhibition: Thailand, Penang and Kuala Lumpur)

Organizing Committee for Open Season, an interdisciplinary forum (lectures, performances and screenings) dedicated to alternative discourses at the USM School of Arts.

Developing alternative evaluation mechanism for PhD towards a doctoral program in studio practice at the USM School of Arts.


Administrative Workshops:              

The Branding of Universities (participant) by Ministry of Higher Education (2009). 

Student Learning Time and Learning Outcome (participant) by Ministry of Higher Education (2009).

Writing Retreat Workshop (participant) by the Research Creativity Management Office (RCMO), Universiti Sains Malaysia Division of Research (2009).

Developing a Foundation Program for the Arts (Chief Facilitator) at the School of the Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2009).


Previous Administrative Position at Universiti Sains Malaysia (1997-2000):

Coordinator Continuing Education (budget, public programming, brochure design, publicity, media and corporate relations).

Coordinator, International Workshop on Traditional Japanese Hand-Made Paper, organized by Universiti Sains Malaysia and the Japan Foundation (May 2000)  - program development, protocols, publicity and media relations

Coordinator for Faculty Exhibitions and Ceremonies (budget, public and media relations)

University Library Acquisition (Arts) - Committee (budget, development and acquisition of conventional and electronic reference materials, coordinating orientation session on the library information system for new students and faculty members).